Object, spatial and time boundaries justification in the process of the economic system’s competitiveness assessment, taking into account the economy digitalization trends

  • Нигай Евгения Антоновна

    Evgeniya A. Nigay. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The complexity of competition, combined with the growing dynamism and exogenous economic factors unpredictability, makes the tasks of preserving and increasing the competitiveness of economic systems come to the fore. In addition, the trends in the digitalization of the economy, management models and individual business processes expand the boundaries of competition, shifting the focus of the formation of
competitive strategies from the traditional market to the digital space. In this regard, when assessing the competitiveness of economic systems, it is important to clearly identify the boundaries within which the measurement will be carried out. The article proposes an author's approach to determining the boundaries of assessing the competitiveness of objects at the micro, meso and macro levels. Object, spatial and
time boundaries of competitive position measurement are distinguished. Their definition will make it possible to specify the object-space-time coordinate system when assessing competitiveness, thereby clearly delineating the study contours. This approach will strengthen the accuracy of measurements and forecasting, simplify management's understanding of the distribution of forces in a particular competitive field, and provide certainty in the development of a sequence of management steps in the development of competitive strategies. For each vector of boundaries of competitiveness assessment, the concept of gradation of measurement options is proposed: object boundaries – the concept of
"layering," spatial boundaries – the "ladder" concept, time boundaries – the "instrumental" concept. Special attention is paid to the issues of determining the boundaries of measuring competitiveness as part of the digitalization of business models, when the activities of organizations are distributed in the digital environment and actively use digital technologies and tools.
Keywords: competitiveness, competitiveness assessment borders, object borders, spatial borders, temporary borders, concept of "lamination", "ladder" concept, "tool" concept, economic systems, digitalization of economy.
